Introduction to the Main Characters – Part 2

We’ve seen some of the male characters, now let’s explore the female side of the story. If you are looking for snarky girl-bosses that can easily fling around men twice their size, you’ve come to the wrong place. My women are, well… just women. I tried to make them as realistic as I can, with their strength and weaknesses. Some […]

Introduction to the Main Characters – Part 1

Here’s a quick overview of some of the characters from the Eternal Stones. There are many of them, so I’ll give you a place to come back to refresh your memory in case you get lost. In this first part we take a look at some of the male protagonists, trying to stay spoiler free, just to get a feel […]

Flower of Light Book Launch and a Fun Interview

The time has come, my friends. Flower of Light is finally available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited with a special launch price. You can choose between the ebook, paperback, and a shiny hard cover with a special cover art inspired by medieval tomes. Here’s the full covers in all their splendor: Also keep your calendars updated, because a big promo […]

Flower of Light | The Eternal Stones | Book 1

“At the dawn of the tenth spring,what was shattered will return whole.” For centuries, the Flower of Light has kept the balance of the Bluand Empire. Each generation, new Wardens are chosen to protect the sacred stones and master their incredible powers. But not everyone can bear the weight of destiny in the same way, and it’s easy to stray […]

What’s Your Zodiac Sign in the World of Light?

There is a connection between the astrology of the Eternal Stones and that of our world, so I thought it would be fun to try and see what your zodiac sign would be if you were born in the World of Light. Just look at the table below and search where your birthday falls in the “Earth Calendar” column to […]

We have a Newsletter!

The road to publication is long and sometimes bumpy, but we still have our goal in mind. And this goal is to share our story with the world and find the scattered souls that resonate with our vibe, of course! Now we have a new way to stay in touch and make sure not to lose anyone along the way. […]

Map of Sohwl

Maps of the Sohwl continent under the Bluand Empire. Black and white and colored version: You can download the high resolution A4 printable black and white version HERE. Kingdoms of the Bluand Empire With their name in the Imperial Language (Pure Sohwlan). Imperial Island (Genistih) Wodran Lands Mejnin Lands  Gebar Lands    Urash Lands Sohwlan Lands

Emperor Christopher III Bluand

Christopher III Bluand was born on the day 14 of the Second Month, the year 639, under the Constellation of Destiny. First son of Emperor Leif Bluand and Lilian Lox. He was crowned Emperor on the year 655, after the assassination of his family.

Elements and Constellations

Six were the Stones of Creation, like six were the Constellations. Six were the Primordial Elements, like six were the ancient peoples. The Light belongs to the Constellation of Existence. The Water belongs to the Constellation of Law. The Earth belongs to the Constellation of Free Will. The Darkness is not of this World anymore. The Fire belongs to the […]

The Flower of Light (655)

The Flower of Light, also known as the Eternal Flower, is not a real flower. It’s a shape. It’s an idea, an image. The unity off all the Wardens, the balance of the magic stones. The Magic Stones There are seven stones that compose the Flower of Light, as per the year 655. Each stone belongs to a Warden, a […]