Swords and Scales | Part 1

Here’s a short story set during the events of Flower of Light, narrating one of the adventures of Ulrich’s team of sellswords, facing a bunch of lizard men. The events happen right before the start of chapter 5 of the Fire section — if you want to read things in chronological order! The story was written by Mark Wade, so […]

Flower of Light Preview | Chapter 2

Flower of Light: The Eternal Stones 1 by Allison Wade.This is just a small preview. The full book is available in ebook and print on Amazon. Read Chapter 1 here. 2. Two Warriors Month III, day 27 Dalswol was the name of the village in the language of the Empire. A few houses and some shops at the foot of […]

Flower of Light Preview | Chapter 1

Flower of Light: The Eternal Stones 1 by Allison Wade. This is just a small preview. The full book is available in ebook and print on Amazon. * * * MEJ – Fire * * * 1. The Tenth Spring The sound of his quick footsteps was covered by the roar of the river. The dark-haired man was running in […]

Cover and Blurb reveal for Mirror of Darkness

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time, but finally I come to you with some big news. The second book in the Eternal Stones series is finally complete! This took me far more time than I expected but it is indeed a big chonker, getting close to 500 pages (or 170.000 words for the English version). At the moment, the […]

The Imperial Island

The Imperial Island, also know as Genistih in the language of Sohwl, lies in the heart of the continent. The Bluand dynasty has chosen the central city of Gensteth as the seat of their Empire.

Meet the Characters in Skyrim! [A Skyrim SE/AE mod]

It’s been in the works for a while, but finally we reached an official release. Do you play Skyrim? (Any version of Skyrim Special Edition or the Anniversary Update is fine) Do you want to meet the characters from the Eternal Stones as I envision them, and have some fun with them? Now you can! Download a pack of 10 […]

Let’s Talk About Love

Since it’s Valentine’s day, what better moment to talk a bit about love, romance, and how it all fits in the universe of the Eternal Stones. The first challenge, when you publish a book, is to give the right idea to the potential readers, so that they will know what they are getting themselves into and also to keep their […]